PULSE Foundation is a partner in a project of the Municipality of Pernik to provide integrated social and health services in the community.
The project started on 15.08.2021 and will last until 15.06.2023.
It is funded within the programs Human Resources Development 2014-2020 and Science and Education for Smart Growth 2014-2020.
Project goal
The main goal of the project is to create and implement an effective and innovative cross-sectoral model for sustainable socio-economic integration of vulnerable groups in the Municipality of Pernik, aimed at improving quality of life, reducing poverty, and stopping the transmission of poverty through generations.
Short description of the project
The project includes a number of activities for permanent integration into the labor market, including activation measures, motivational and vocational training, providing subsidized employment for people from vulnerable groups. An integrated social and health service will be established in the community in active partnership with the non-governmental sector, which will enable the promotion of health, better quality of life, and care for the elderly and people with disabilities from marginalized groups. Sustainable integration requires activities to overcome negative stereotypes about the Roma community and promote the cultural identity of the Roma, as a full part of civil society in Pernik and Bulgaria.
Socio-economic integration is a process that requires sustained and focused efforts on children and families. It is necessary to significantly reduce the share of dropouts, work with parents for their active participation, including "school for parents". The project includes a wide range of additional activities for students at risk of dropping out and children and students for whom Bulgarian is not their mother tongue, improving the educational environment in their schools and kindergartens. Career counseling measures are also envisaged to ensure a successful transition from education to employment.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- promoting economic activity and employment among vulnerable groups;
- raising the qualification and improving the employability;
- improving health status and health promotion in marginalized communities;
- improving the quality of life and social integration of older people and people with disabilities;
- overcoming negative stereotypes towards the Roma community;
- reducing the share of children and students from vulnerable groups who have dropped out of the education system;
- improving access to quality education for children and students from vulnerable groups;
- support for an easier transition from education to employment.
Main activities implemented by PULSE Foundation:
1. Providing integrated social and health services in the community
The aim of this activity is to improve access to social and health services among highly vulnerable communities and marginalized groups in the city of Pernik.
The activity includes fieldwork with teams of psychologists, social workers, and nurses.
2. Development of local communities and overcoming negative stereotypes
The following activities will be implemented for the development of local communities and to overcome negative stereotypes:
Assistance in improving the communication of the local community with state and municipal institutions through advocacy. We will work actively in two directions - protection of the legitimate interests of the citizens of the local communities before the respective institutions, as well as the acquaintance of the citizens themselves with their rights and obligations.
Activities for the popularization of the cultural identity of the Roma through organization and holding of cultural events, at which the general public will be able to get acquainted with the Roma way of life and culture. Pernik has a rich and long tradition in organizing and conducting cultural and carnival forums, including with international participation.
Organizing public discussions on the real problems before the integration of the Roma with representatives of the Roma community, municipal councilors, prominent representatives of various spheres of the city and municipality, NGOs, media, and others.
3. Encouraging the participation of parents in the educational process and working with parents from ethnic minorities to prevent school dropout
Establishment of "School for parents" for parents from marginalized communities and other at-risk groups.
Specialized workshops for children and parents within the school for parents. It is planned to hold 12 thematic workshops with activities of interest - arts, crafts and more.
Project "Together for good change - an integrated approach to socio-economic integration in the Municipality of Pernik"
ДБФП № BG05M9OP001-2.056-0005-C01